Beauty Will Save the World!

Photo by Brenna Allred

Our Easter celebration begins at 10:30AM on Easter morning. We will have singing and a special message time geared toward our children. We are continuing in our theme for the season, “Beauty Will Save the World,” based on the Brian Zahnd book. Wonder and amazement are central to the Easter message and few capture those emotions better than children, which is why Jesus reminds us that becoming a child at heart is central to being a disciple. Bring the family and join the fun!

Easter Egg Hunt Following the Main Meeting

Each year it is truly a treasure to see the joy on our children’s faces as they hunt for eggs around the Grove Theater following our main meeting time. In some traditions the idea of “watering down” the resurrection with Easter bunnies and candies is frowned upon. Not here. We see these as wonder-filled additions to the holidy, meant to accentuante the joy we have in a risen Christ. Around the world right now, especially in Ukraine and neighboring nations housing displaced children, are great needs reflected in joy being taken away. We cherish what we have, do not take it for granted, and want only to give children a sense of wonder in the season.

Pot-Luck Lunch Following the Main Meeting

Our worship service is slightly abbreviated on Easter to accomodate for the children who remain with us for the hour. Afterward, we gather in the lobby for lunch for any who wish to stay and experience community. The pandemic isolated many, some into homes and places that were not safe, others into complete isolation and loneliness. We want all to know that our space is free and open to meet new people, share laughter and togetherness, and bind together in grace of God demonstrated in Christ’s resurrection. Please consider staying and joining us for a meal. You are loved in this place.