High Places Community Church was born in 1990 with a vision:
To be a biblically based, principle-centered ministry that is FREE to adapt to the needs of an ever-changing culture by focusing on Jesus, Who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
"Where there is no vision the people perish."
Proverbs 29:18
High Places Community Church was officially formed in March 1990 with a vision for ministries that were fundamentally "principle-centered" and free. Purposefully low key, the church has slowly grown in a steady and deliberate way.
High Places people come from many places and backgrounds. As a non-denominational church we are not directly affiliated with any particular denomination, though we are free and open to associate with any and all who wish to do so.
After beginning in a home setting the church has since met in a variety of places, including the Oak Ridge Civic Center, British Woods' clubhouse, the YWCA, and a former shopping center on Ogden Lane. In 2004 The Old Grove Theater was purchased by the church for the purpose of meeting both church and community space needs.
With a history that is rooted in community-oriented youth ministry, we are highly committed to both youth and children's ministries and we invest heavily in both. Our adult ministries are formed around a commitment to encourage healthy adults and families. We are also blessed to have those who in their golden years are young at heart and bring much wisdom and balance to the church.
Our Mission
We approach mission in two ways:
#1. For every member - We believe every member is a minister & every minister has a purpose; and that purpose is to simply "Turn on the Lights" in places that have grown dark.
#2. For leaders – We are committed to learning, applying and teaching timeless spiritual principles, easily identifiable in the ministries of Christ and the early church, with an aim of reflecting the essence of Jesus , who is "the same yesterday, today and forever" (Heb 13:8), while being forever free and equipped to adapt to our ever-changing world and culture-generation to generation. This is a model we believe will keep the church open, flexible and relevant and we are committed to its spread throughout the community, region and world.
“For this is what the lofty one says, He who lives forever and whose name is Holy: ‘I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite.”
Our Four Paradigm Principles
Our paradigm is the “lens through which we view ministry”. The High Places lens consists of four basic principles. These are:
1. A “Mission/Vision” which clarifies where the church has been and where we are headed.
2. A simple “Profile” statement clarifying a few basic qualities we believe Christ wants to build into His church (individual and collective).
3. An “Environment” that encourages forward progress on our spiritual journeys regardless of our starting point.
4. A common sense approach to “inviting/challenging” individuals to personal involvement/growth that provides clarity without insulting intelligence, spirituality or personal commitment.
Operating by these principles keep the primary focus where it should be which is on people rather than programs and buildings, which are simply tools (as opposed to sacred cows) and can be viewed and evaluated as such.