Photograph provided by Jared Chambers
You can make a difference. Church doesn't need to be an organization anymore... your presence makes it a living organism. Membership is "being" & "becoming" the hands and feet of Jesus in our world.
"For in Him we live, move, and have our BEING." ~ The Apostle Paul
Your donation allows us to connect people, families, communities, and even this planet to the cause of Jesus Christ. Through generous giving of time, talent, and resource the partnerships this church is able to form change life as we know it -- encounter by blessed encounter. Ultimately realize that all giving is about the relationship the giver has with the God whose already given it all.
Spread the Word
Life and love are gifts to be shared with all. Developing a "mission mind-set" is a High Places profile quality. That begins with a paradigm shift: seeing the value and potential in others, just as God sees. If you've ever wanted to tell your friends or family about us, but weren't sure what to say, we're trying to make it easier. Here's a printable brochure, feel free to spread it around!