Good Friday morning beautiful people!
First of all, happy Mother's Day weekend to all our HPCC moms... and as we will see this week, that includes some of you who've never had children too, as Jesus' definition for motherhood is open and expansive! Those of you beautiful ladies who have had children, may you have an extra dose of love surrounding you this Mother's Day weekend, what you do week in and week out is nothing short of amazing and we want to honor you.
Our wise-and-principled founding pastor Martin Fischer always taught us that no matter who we are, we all have moms. Mothers are something we all have in common, with some of those relationships going very deep and others filled with longing for better connection. However your life with mom is going, or has gone, we hope you will join us as we look in the Bible for images of what God desires in Mother's Heart.
This week we will look at Solomon, considered the most wise (although maybe not always principled!) figure in the Old Testament. Solomon has to apply his wisdom to determine the hearts of two mothers who are at odds with each other. In that story, it is revealed to us what the heart of the mother truly is, and as I prayed through these verse this week, my own wife and my mother came to mind, but so did MANY of you High Places women who have loved and nurtured me through the years.
God has truly blessed us with rich, deeply beautiful mothers' hearts -- proving that Jesus' qualifications for Motherhood are really eternal and do make a difference in the world!
I am super-excited to share this day with you all on Sunday. And in my studies this week, I have been wrestling with my own heart and praying that God will give me a Mother's heart too. He can and He will, I believe, so if you're a man out there reading this, I promise God's Word has something for you too because He has had something for me in the passages we will read together.
We pray together for the tenderness that comes from God, and the passion of Jesus, who Himself said, "Oh my people, that I could gather you as Mother hen beneath my wings." May we always be a church populated with Mother's hearts!!
Bring mom if you can, 10:30 AM at the Grove on Sunday. If mom has passed on, or happens to live far away and cannot come, then bring something with you that warms your heart when you think of her.
We love you all so much!
“A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.” —Tenneva Jordan