Summer is here, summer is here!!!! The pools are open, the beach is calling and the sun is well its not shining this week but Sunday looks good. This Sunday June 13, we will be meeting at Clark Park at our regular time to celebrate our graduating high school seniors. It is mind-blowing to me each and every year when these students walk the stage and I see how many of them have a connection to High Places. It is truly a blessing to get to serve our students through High Places. This year we will celebrate our students from 2021 as well as those from last year as we were unable to get together. We will have burgers and we ask that people bring sides to go with burgers and bring a chair. Robbie and Molly will be there to jam out.
With the summer arriving there are so many things going on in the life of High Places. June 20 we will return to the Grove for Father's Day Sunday. The 3 Sundays following Father's Day are still open as we explore two ideas. One is that we meet at a different park each Sunday. The other is that we meet in people's back yards for a back porch Sunday gathering. If you would be willing to host a back porch Sunday then please let us know as we are looking to have a High Place's Highly Mobile Summer. These 3 weeks we will be looking at the first 3 things that God asks us as humans to do. The title is still under works and open to suggestions so feel free to send yours in for our series currently called, "Sex, Soil, and Showing Up".
On Saturday June 19th our Mountain Movers will be having MEGA Funfest for children K-5th at the Grove Theater from 2-5 pm. Kady is still in need of volunteers, as well as various other needs that go along with hosting an event like this that went out to all elementary schools. If you want to help please contact Kady Marcotte.
This summer our youth with be returning to Big Ridge State Park July 12-17 for our much anticipated, because it was the theme last year, Stranger Things Camp 2021. There are always needs such as supplies, kitchen food needs, people to help transport, people to go up Sunday before and prep camp, and prayer of course. This is always a big thing for our students and to keep it affordable for all students at $49 it takes the generosity and love of all our High Places family. You all go above and beyond every year for our camp by showing your love and support and I could not be more blessed to be the youth pastor at a church that invests so greatly in both our children and our youth, and I truly appreciate everything you all do for our students.
Finally, at the end of the summer we will be hosting Chili Dog Days of Summer. A summer ending concert with various performs. There will be many ways to help out and we will let you know more as more details get ironed out. Its going to be a great summer!!!!
Hope to see you all face to face this weekend at Clark Park and love you all. Have a blessed rest of the week and a great weekend.
Remember our fearless leader, David Allred and his wonderful family as the are soaking it up on vacation this week. May you and your family have an amazing time and hope you are getting lots of rest and relaxation cause its bout the get busy this summer. Love you all and we are blessed to have such an incredible family leading the way for us as God leads them.