Good morning High Places and Happy Memorial Day Weekend. As we pause to honor our fallen this weekend, we will also be continuing in our theme, "No Trespassing." When nations trespass on nations, war is often the end result. War lies outside of God's vision for us as human beings and reflects our fallen nature. Jesus promised us that there would "wars and the rumors of wars" through history, recognizing that inside of all humanity is the tendency to live outside God's wishes. We also know that in the end, when things are finally made right by Jesus and the Kingdom of God is established on Earth, there will be no more war. Until that time, we grieve not only our fallen soldiers, but our fallen state as human beings. And we long for the day that God will establish justice on the Earth.
On Thursday, June 3rd we will host another "Bible Question and Answer Session" at 7:00 PM at the Grove. This will also be broadcast live, so if there are questions you have or things you've always wanted to discuss about the Bible, feel free to stop on by, or tune in online.
On Sunday, June 13, our plan is to meet at Clark Center Park for our annual honoring of High Places graduates. Last night was a wonderful graduation celebration at Blankenship Field and I was, as most years, extremely taken back by the number of students our ministries have reached. Dozens of graduates were either directly connected to High Places, or have attended our church events. It was truly a blessing to see them, and we want to wish all our 2021 graduates a heartfelt "Congratulations."
More details on this gathering are coming soon, but we are hoping to re-embrace the tradition of a cookout and grand fellowship there under the large pavilion. This service will NOT be broadcast, so be sure to come out in person if you are comfortable and able.
Love to you all. Enjoy this weekend, you deserve it!
“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.”
~ John Lennon